KitchenCabinetsReviews Blog

Blog about Kitchen Cabinets

5 Common Kitchen Remodeling Mistakes

All too often, visions of a dream kitchen turn into a nightmare. Following are the top 5 mistakes to avoid.

1. Ripping out the kitchen too early. If you plan to use semi-custom cabinets, they are made to order and usually take at least 4 to 6 weeks. If you rip out the kitchen before ordering, you will be without a kitchen for more than a month before you even receive your cabinets. The best way to ensure that you are out of your kitchen for the least amount of time is to wait until your new cabinets arrive before tearing out the old ones. That way you can make sure that you have all of the cabinets you need and that they are in good condition and are ready to install.

2. Measuring your space improperly. Once semi-custom cabinets are manufactured for you, they can't be returned. If you've measured improperly, then you'll either have to make the cabinets work or order additional cabinets at an additional expense. There are a number of sites that offer free tools and design tips. Use them!

3. Not planning for every day use. Make it functional! All too often, narrow walkways, inconvenient door swings and poor island locations can really interrupt the flow of your work space. Be sure to create a work triangle between the stove, sink and refrigerator and keep all walkways at least 36 inches wide. Make sure that no entry, appliance or cabinet door with interfere with another.

4. Lack of counter space and storage. You can save counter space by installing appliances under cabinets or counters. A microwave can be installed above the stove or a drawer-type microwave can be installed in a cabinet under the counter. Be sure to plan outlets for countertop appliances. Storage is what cabinets are all about and pantry organizers and other accessories can help you keep things organized and easily accessible.

5. Going over budget. The cost of the kitchen remodel should not exceed 20 percent of the value of the home. Be prepared for unexpected expenses!

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