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Kitchen Cabinets
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DO NOT BUY FROM AMERICAN WOODMARK they are extremely unprofessional....will deliver damaged products ..... give false promises..... steal your money ...and be prepared to go 4-6 months without a kitchen!

A review from a military mom who is now no longer able to breastfeed due to this neglectful company. Situation has continued to go unresolved and been ongoing for almost 5 months now.

My husband and I ordered custom cabinets from Lowe’s in Colorado back in October from a company called American woodmark. We were going to wait until after the holidays but they had a special going on and guaranteed that if we purchased by that week they would be delivered before the holidays. My husband was laid off for the winter season so we decided to jump out the window and go for it so he could install them during his time off. My family was coming from Wisconsin for Christmas and decided to drive out earlier to help with our cabinet install. The cabinets arrived by thanksgiving. We were excited knowing we had plenty of time to install before Christmas. The first cabinet we opened was backwards. The second cabinet we opened had a hole punched through the back. The third cabinet was warped. We knew this didn’t seem right that 3/3 cabinets so far were damaged. We talked to our Lowe’s rep who personally came to our house to see the damage. He ordered new cabinets of the damages we had seen so far and encouraged us to upwrap the rest of them. As we found more and more damaged cabinets we kept reporting to him. We were originally told that any damaged cabinets would be replaced within 10 days per the policy. This was not the case. We received one cabinet a month later and we were told more would not be arriving until 6 weeks after that (2.5 months after original damage report). It was then revealed that the replacement cabinet we received thus far was also damaged and even more than the first time around. In the meantime we tried seeing if we could install some of the cabinets that weren’t damaged so we could get enough put together to get our countertop measurement. Turned out there were only 3 Undamaged cabinets in our whole order! We stopped reordering damaged cabinets per the reps request because we were advised to speak to the managers and corporate first as this was clearly a very large issue. We went through all the cabinets and provided them with a picture diagram damage sheet of all the damages of the cabinets that we reordered as well as the cabinets that we hadn’t ordered for replacement yet. Some cabinets were scratched others had nails punctured through some even had blood on the inside! We contacted several individuals including corporate multiple times. We kept being told someone would contact us back and no one would. We had to keep calling and fight for over 3 weeks for someone to finally take us seriously. At this point we have been without a kitchen for over 2 months and due to not being able to cook and provide myself with proper nutrition I have no longer been able to breastfeed my 7 month old. My supply went down and unless I spend ridiculous amounts of money eating out every night I am struggling to breastfeed my baby and we haven’t been able to make our own baby food. I feel robbed of the motherhood experience I wanted for me and my child. Don’t even get me started with the struggle of having to wash dishes and try to sanitize bottles in a bath tub due to not having a kitchen sink anymore now. This company had the NERVE to offer 10%. 10% !!!!!! A total of 10% off for damaged cabinets ignoring the fact that they haven’t replaced the damaged cabinets yet.....ignoring the fact that their policy is 10 days for replacements and we’ve gone over 2 months without an official end date in sight...... ignored the fact that they shipped cabinets with blood in them and nails poking through and holes punctured and some that weren’t sprayed with color thouroughly....... only 10% for not being able to breastfeed my first and only baby anymore or the fact that we had to spend ridiculous amounts of money to eat and buy baby food because we can’t cook and prepare food at home anymore........ ignored the fact that even if they were to replace our entire order with all new cabinets we will have gone 4-6 months without a kitchen..... ignored the fact that once we do get replacement cabinets (IF we even do) that my husband no longer has the time off to install them himself anymore..... and ignored the fact that our Christmas was ruined and our families wasted their money coming all the way to Colorado from Wisconsin !!!!! They had the NERVE to only offer 10% and then added that they would waive the 300$ shipping fee which we didn’t even have the responsibility to pay for in the first place! I’m beside myself with anger right now. They think their offer is fair even though they’ve ignored that there are several more damaged cabinets that haven’t been re ordered or replaced yet and that we will have to continue going kitchenless for several MORE months. And it hurts me everyday I have to look at my baby feeling like I failed him because circumstances resulted in me no longer being able to breastfeed him and make our own home made baby food. It kills me to feel I failed him as a mom and I was robbed of that experience and bond with him. Their offer and idea of a solution was a huge slap in the face. They haven’t even began to order and replace all the cabinets that need to be fixed and by the time they do we will have gone without a kitchen for a total of upwards of 4-6 months without a kitchen. Their solution doesn’t even begin to cover the stress and pain we’ve gone through.... not to mention one of the replacement cabinets we have received so far was also damaged so we can’t even trust their integrity that the rest will be in good shape when they do arrive! The whole experience has hurt our family in more ways than I can even begin to describe. As a service member in the military and a mother of a 7 month old this has been the most stressful and frustrating experience I’ve ever endured.
We eventually negotiated a fair price if we agreed to accept the damaged cabinets as is. Then when we tried to get our reimbursement credit we were shorted by hundreds of dollars. It is now March 22 and we ordered back in October. They will not return my calls or emails and Lowe’s has informed us that American woodmark will not give us the remainder of our money because they feel they have been “generous enough”. We had an agreement! You can make a deal with them and decide a month later to change the price and short us and steal our money because you didn’t feel like you had to honor your agreement anymore and you’re too chicken shit to even call us back! I am about to loose my shit! They made a deal and after over a month of waiting for our reimbursement they shorted us and don’t care at all they they went against their agreement. I warn everyone DO NOT BUY FROM AMERICAN WOODMARK they will deliver shitty products ..... give false promises..... steal your money ...and if you order from them be prepared to go 4-6 months without a kitchen!
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Kitchen Cabinet Information is the best source online for kitchen cabinets reviews. We offer the consumer the ability to leave honest reviews. We have most major brands listed including Kraftmaid, Omega, Cardell, Mid Continent Cabinetry, Thomasville, Merrilat, Welborn, Marsh and many more. One thing is for certain, all of the brands listed on the site manufacture quality kitchen cabinets.

Are you interested in learning about cabinets? We have a learning center that describes different variations of wood that you can buy kitchen cabinets in. We also have a section on how to care for your kitchen cabinets.

We hope that you find the reviews helpful and that your kitchen project works out well.


What is your favorite cabinet brand?

Kitchen Cabinet Information is the best source online for kitchen cabinets reviews. We offer the consumer the ability to leave honest reviews. We have most major brands listed including Kraftmaid, Omega, Cardell, Mid Continent Cabinetry, Thomasville, Merrilat, Welborn, Marsh and many more. One thing is for certain, all of the brands listed on the site manufacture quality kitchen cabinets.

Are you interested in learning about cabinets? We have a learning center that describes different variations of wood that you can buy kitchen cabinets in. We also have a section on how to care for your kitchen cabinets.

We hope that you find the reviews helpful and that your kitchen project works out well.